Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday is Liege Day...

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

So apparently, the transportation system is very happy on Wednesday because all of the Belgian schools let out early on Wednesday, and because the kids have nothing to do they go places. Such as the Rotary kids, who all meet up in Liege on Wednesdays and chill. When I set off that day, I was happy because I knew where I was going, I knew the train time, and I knew that my adopted oldie, Maddy, was going to be on the train as well since she lives in Spa. But then, once I got onto the train I got this call from Maddy saying that she had missed her train. But luckily, there were other people that were going to Liege Guillmens train station too, and Maddy told them to look out for me so it ended up being fine. But honestly, I don't think that I can be on so form of public transportation without having some kind of problem with it!

Once we waited quite some time to make sure that everyone that was meeting up with us had made it to the station, we started to walk around. It was a really fun day, because the oldies just showed us around town and the park that they go to when it's nice and they told us about their experiences and just everything there is to know about being on Rotary Exchange in Belgium. I know I have said this before, but I am really glad that Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa's school system is like the complete opposite of ours. Because if we didn't have our oldies, I honestly don't know what I would do. They guide us around so much, and help us whenever we need. They show us the best shops, the hang out places, the cheapest but most delicious friteries and pita stores, they help us understand the crazy-ly huge and confusing transportation system, they give us advice when there are family troubles or weird things happening, and they've almost always got the newies backs. Rotary is just a pretty cool thing, and having the oldies just enhances the whole experience.

Speaking of delicious food... For lunch, some of us stopped at a little pita shop that the oldies said was good. Right ahead of me in line was this girl, Caroline, from Canada (Nova Scotia, I think...?), who was in the same kind of French immersion system as  Iwould have been in if I had stayed in Canada. So anyhow, she speaks fleunt French, even if it is occasionally hard for the Belgians to understand her completely Canadian accent... The guy at the store seemed to be having a hard time understanding what she was ordering, and she was speaking French, so there was about 4 of us who just decided th at we would trust Caroline's meal choice and said that we would just have the exact same thing... And boy, did it end of being delicious. At first, I was hesitant to get a pita because pita bread makes me gag (don't ask me why, but I have always hated it...), but much to my relief the pitas here come with just plain tortillas. I have no idea what Caroline ordered on that pita, but I seriously cannot wait until I have another one just like it. And to top off all of the delicious-ness, we also all got a order of small BELGIAN fries. A meal just doesn't seem complete without frites here...

Of course, when I got home Pascale announced that tonight she didn't feel like cooking dinner, so we were going to a friterie instead. I wasn't gonna complain because I was the one who left the house to go and do fun things two days in a row, but when you have greasy stuff and fries for 3 meals in less than 2 days, the amaziness of the frites kinda wears off of you... But at the friterie I got some kind of nummy meatball, so that was good that at least the main part of my meal wasn't a repeat of anything I had eaten before!!! After quite a good night, I was ready to go to bed and know that for the next few days, I had absolutely no obligations or plans. My few little days to finally kick back and relax before school started the next week... But hey, that's a completely different day!

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