Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Flu Bugs Love Me in Belgium Too

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Yep, the flu has come to Belgium and ruined my fun day. I miss the art school field trip. I don't get to see the Andy Warhol art. I don't get to skip my regualar classes and have lots of fun with my art friends. I don't get to hang out with my friends after school, the first real thing that I was going to do with Belgian students outside of school!

Instead, I get to sit at my host home, by myself, feeling sick. And then homesick. And then sad and angry that I missed a fun day and that I can't have anything that I am used to when I am sick. And then under the relization that whenever you're sick, the only people you really want around are our Mommy and Daddy so they can take care of you and love you. Yea, not such a good day for me.......

But, on the up side, I did go to the bank with Pascale in the afternoon-evening-ish when I was feeling a bit better and I got my real debit card, instead of the expired temporary one. So now, at least I can buy something if I want/need to!

And, as a final note, I would like to celebrate the fact that I am finally all caught up, considering there isn't exactly anything worthwhile that has happened this weekend! Just relaxing, chilling with Pascale and Eddy. And lots of sleeping... SO YAY FOR ME FOR NOT BEING BEHIND ON MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!! :)

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