Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The Weekend! September 9-11, 2011

So just a quick update on the weekend... After school on Friday, I rode the bus to Emmaline's house and spent the night there. Even Lauren was able to join us (her parents are VERY strict on letting her go anywhere...), so we had a lot of fun. On Saturday day, we wanted to go somewhere outside of the house, so we all rode the bus to Verviers and went shopping for a bit in the center of Verviers. It was the first time I had really explored Verviers on foot, and I have realized that it is a pretty legit city. I'm glad that I go to school there and live near it! I figured out as I went ot buy food that my bank card was a temporary card, so I had to borrow money from Lauren and Emmaline for food and I felt really bad. But shopping when you don't have any kind of money to spend is good... It makes it way easier to just walk away from the stores or that one cute shirt that I didn't really need but REALLY wanted. And after my mini shopping spree whenever that was in Liege, I was done spending money on clothes for a while. Or at least until my birthday...

On Sunday, Eddy offered to take me offroading in their special car. It was a really cool experience for me. I hadn't realized truly how beautiful the countryside around me was until I was able to go straight through the middle of it! The experience was an amazing one. I didn't really know until Sunday how strong cars were. We were just driving through a tiny road with rocks all over, going through huge piles of mud, and we even went across 2 diffferent rivers! Well, it was the same river we just went across 2 different times... I'm really glad that I got the chance to come to Belgium, because it really is a beautiful country. For once, I am at a loss for words. So all of you are blessed with a short and sweet blog post (for once...)

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