Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm Gonna Be a French Expert in No Time!

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Well, that certainly didn't take me long to get behind again... But I had plans for like everyday this weekend, all day, so I guess I have a legitimate excuse rather than I was just plain lazy.. :)

Thursday was my hard day again at school... Honestly I don't really remember school that well now, considering it is 4 days later with a lot of other stuff happening. And also since school has now gone from weird but fascinating to frustrating and boring, I am not really remembering every detail. But as far a Thursdays go, I DO remember that this one wasn't half bad!

But no, the real news is what happened after school: my first French lesson! Before I got there, I was really not looking forward to it. I mean, it's just bascially another hour and a half of learning added to the school day, making it a grand total of 10 1/2 hours of school for me on Thursdays. Not fun man, not fun. BUT... It was fun! The teacher was super nice, and he was a reallu good teacher too. For our first lesson, we just learned about each other through silly games thta involved us speaking French the entire time. It was actually a great way to learn. In my class, there are a total of 6 people. Two aussies, one New Zealander, and three Americans (but there was only 4 of us today...). So, basically half of the class can already at least carry on a conversation in French. But I actually found that that was really nice, because 1) They speak slowly because they have to, and it is easier to understand them because of that as well as their accents and 2)They can help us learn by listening to them and 3) It gave me hope that since I am starting off knowing more than them, that soon enough I shall speak French! Another really nice thing is that I am in the middle of the pack, Frenchwise. I can't really speak it, but I was understanding almost everything that was being said, and the other American there had to keep stopping everyone and either have them explain themselves slowly or say the translation in English. So, I am not the best and feeling like I am being held back, but I am also not the worst, holding back the class on their progress. So really, this whole thing is an ideal situation for me! And at the end of the class, the teacher treated us with a tarte (pie!) that is a speciality of Liege (je pense...). If not Liege, definitely Belgium. The filling is like rice and cream and nummy goodness. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's delicious! (even though for whatever reason I feel like something is weird about it, maybe the texture with there being rice and all, but I still loved it!) So ya, never again will I dread going to French class. I am just going to be sad when this particular class ends (but don't worry thoose of you who are worried about my French, after I get to start a different class! Yaaaaay!).

After the class, i was just feeling happy and it was perfect weather out and I was feeling a bit like a fatty, so I decided to go on a run along my road. Boy, did I forget how freeing and well, just plain amazing running felt. I honestly don't know how to describe how I was feeling, but it was just amazing. I seriously ran for like 45 minutes straight, and generally after running that much I would want to kill myself for ever wanting to do such a thing, but this time I just felt happy. I guess the experts are right, running really does get your endorphins going. And I was definitely missing that feeling after trying to rest for the majority of the summer in hopes that maybe eventually my body will heal from all of the pain that soccer and I put it through... (hamstring, ankles, sometimes quads, shoulder, and the list goes on and on...) Also, my running path was absolutely gorgeous. Imagine a completely abaondoned road, with trees surronding it and the sun just right and running past beautiful houses tucked away just off the road. It was kind of like I imagine a road in Ireland or somewhere green and beautiful being like, a road where movies have people drive down in convertibles with the wind blowing their hair perfectly and them looking all happy. Yep, I get to run down those kinds of roads every single day, if I want. Gotta love Belgium! A large part of me is dreading the winter and the snow that it will bring with it, because I will definitely miss the green. But then again, snow always seems to bring its own kind of beauty with it!

After I got home from the run, I showered and then went with Eddy to a friture for dinner (Pascale had her weekly book club at night...). So much for going for a nice long run to burn of those unwanted calories, because I probably gained them all back right after. But, it was tasty, and Eddy didn't want to really make anything because for him, it was finally holiday and his work week had been crazy trying to prepare for that (He is in Sweden, fishing pike with some friends of his...). Overall, it was a great day that left me just feeling really happy and loving life as usual!

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