Monday, September 19, 2011

School without Actually Going

This Monday was pretty crazy, schedulewise. Nope, I didn't change schedules again (thankfully), but today I was hardly even at school! In the morning, we left at the normal time (8 A.M.), but instead of going straight to school we had to go to the administration office in Jalhay for my identification card. Now, the office, like most other government buildings all around the world, is... Well, let's just say it is hardly ever open and makes it impossible for people to get there without skipping school/work. So yes, we sat in this little office for about an hour and a half waiting for this very confused lady to do paperwork, which I am convinced she could have done without us being there. Seriously, the only thing that we even had to do was give her some pictures for the card, and then sign the papers after she took ages trying to figure what exactly she was even supposed to be doing. Apparently, she's never dealt with an exchange student before. But hey, I am not necessarily going to complain because although the lady didn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the pack (but she was very nice! All Belgians seem to be...), I did get to miss out on an early morning French class. I mean, those are the absolute worse! So here it goes...

1st/half of 2nd Class: at the administration:))))

Rest of 2nd Class: I had geography. Yep, pretty darn exciting. It was akward, walking into class when it is already halfway through and all of my friends trying to explain to the teacher that it doesn't really matter why I am late, I am the exchange student. Seriously, it is like "She is an American" are magical words that will get me out of any tardies, absences, and most homework. And I am just gonna let this one slide, at least until my French is a bit more improved. I did try explaining to the teacher in French why I was late, but teachers for whatever reason can never really understand my accent, and when they see my eyes just like a deer's in headlights, well usually they just tell me to sit down and hope I don't interrupt their class.

3rd Class: French.... With 6th Year. Ya, not so much fun. But, I did put my plan into action and copied down some French translations out of my dictionary that I thought would be important. I plan to continue doing that until I am through with the A's at least, and then I will get to work just memorizing them. At the rate I am going, I should have all of the important words in the dictionary memorized by the end of the year! ;)

4th Class: Etude!!! Yep, the easy day just keeps getting easier and easier. Luckily this time, I remembered to leave at 11:45 in the middle of the class, so I didn't have to run down the hill and worry about being late. But, this time, it was Eliza who lost track of time. I literally called her like 5 times before she called me back right at 12, when we were supposed ot be leaving, saying that she just now remembered and was just leaving her school. Luckliy, the Rotary guy that came and picked us up was really nice and waited for her... But we barely made it before the meeting started.

5th/6th/7th/first half of 8th: Rotary meeting!!! :) Now, I can't exactly tell you anything of what was discussed, but I can describe in detail the delcious meal I had and how I was half falling asleep at the table after a late night last night... But ah well, I didn't actually ever get close to falling asleep, and as soon as I ate a bit of food I was fine. Just empty stomach + late night = VERY sleepy Morgan

Last half of 8th Class: Once again, I got to walk into the middle of a double period of English, only catching about the last 1/4 of it. But this class was actually a very good one for me! What they were working on was verb tenses and sentence structure, so they were actually given sentences in French and were asked to translate them into English. For me, this is a very good thing because FINALLY I am able to use my English class like they wanted me to, as a backwards way of learning French. And the teacher was really nice about everything, so I am really actually starting to enjoy and become very productive in my 6th year English class.

9th Class: And now, back to French with 6th year. Seriously, the schedules here are sooooo weird. Not that I am complaining about having French at least seperate hours, because a double class of French 6th Year = the death of Morgan....

And alas, my laptop is dying and I am sleepy. Just wanted to share with you my day where I amazingly didn't even really go to school.... Just like at home, seems like Rotary activites of any sort take priority of other "stupid" things, such as, well you know school or jobs or things you actually need to succeed in life.... But if Rotary gave me the wonderfully amazing chance to come here, I think they deserve some time from my day. And if the continue to take me out of some boring classes, well I am definitely ok with that...

Bisous, Morgan Xxxxx

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