Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just a Typical Lazy Sunday...

Yay, look at who is all caught up on their blog! This girl! Although it may seem unnecessary, the excitement for me is overwhelming because for so long i have almost felt like this blog was a bit of a chore.  Iwas always behind, always feeling bad that my family and whoever else reads this has to wait so darn long for an update. But now, I am on time. No procrastianting or anything for me! Hopefully, it willl stay like this for the rest of the time. But knowing me, probably not...

Anyhow, today was just a lazy Sunday with blog updates and chilling with the family. Eddy translated the school rules that I was supposed to read and sign, saying that I understood them and would follow them. Just like any other school rules, they were a joke.

What I really wanted to mention though was the delicious dinner that I just devoured. After an appetizer of these weird but delicious chips and sparkling cider (Yep, they went out and got me some so I could feel like I fit in when they drank whatever alcohol they were drinking... Isn't that just so cute and considerate?), Eddy said to me that he would like me to help him cook tonight's dinner of Chinese food. I kinda laughed, considering my cooking skills are very inept and the only way I can cook is to religiously follow a recipe. But hey, I am up for anything! Eddy made me a little bet, saying that by Christmastime (when I change families...) I would be able to fully cook any kind of Chinese meal that I wanted to. In the end, actually cooking it was pretty easy. I mean, most of the food came out of bags or was meat. We just had to actually cook it and add the spices. I know it looked pretty simple, but Eddy just seems to have everything down so easily. He knows exactly when something is done cooking, when to add the other ingredients, how much spices or sauce to add without measuring something, using a timer, or even taste testing it. And in the end, it was absolutely delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ate so much, I am now in a food coma. But I love being in food comas, so it's no big!

And to end the night, a Skype call with just my parents at first but a while in we added my brother, and it was just like we were all together and it was great. So much fun to be able to talk and joke around (IN ENGLISH!) and get updates back home. It was expecially nice because after having so much time on my hands this weekend and becoming kinda homesick, I was able to just talk to my parents and it seems like after I do that, I am a bit less homesick and more able to face the next day in this foreign but amazing country. And now, it's 11:40 and I just finished Skyping and I am tired, even after sleeping in for the past few days and taking several naps! So until tommorrow, or whenever I feel like there is something exciting to add to my blog, au revoir!

Bisous Xxxx, Morgan

(And Aunt Becky, you needn't worry about my education over here. At least I am learning art, and eventually I will be able to understand all of my French classes too! :) )

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