Thursday, August 4, 2011

4 Days and Counting...

Well, the countdown has almost come to an end. Only 4 more days, well five if you count my 16 hour flight, and I will be in Belgium! Just thinking about it is crazy. Of course, I am so excited to leave, but I am also very sad to leave behind my friends and most of all, my family. The whole exchange-gonna-be-gone-for-a-whole-year thing has yet to kick in yet... The summer has just flown by SUPER fast and part of me just doesn't want it to end. Forget the language barrier, the whole leaving family thing is definitely the hardest part.

Since Monday, I have been all packed up. So whenever I see or think of something, I just pack it. But that also means that I have been wearing like the exact same clothes for the past week just due to the fact that the rest of my nice clothes are packed... I can't believe it, but I fit ALL of my clothes (minus a few coats and my dresses that I plan to pack last minute to avoid wrinkles) that I want to bring into one large suitcase and one carry-on suitcase, with a little bit of excess clothing that I squished in with all of my gifts. But if you end up seeing someone in the airport on Monday wearing like four coats, that would be me! :)

This last week has all been about saying goodbye to friends, packing, smoothing out last minute things, cramming in as much French practice as I can handle, and attempting to enjoy the ONLY week that Western Washington has had sun like alllll summer. Well, I imagine that this is going to be my final post before I leave... So until Belgium, au revoir!

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