Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Final Day of Relaxation

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 

Today was our final day of vacation in France. It must have been quite a good vacation because by the end of it I was ready to go back to Belgium and get on with my actual exchange (My mum always says that the sign of a good vacation is when you are excited to leave, but ready to go home, or in my case go to Belgium!) But anyhow, back to the actual day. We woke up around 8 (well, Becky woke up and then I was woken up by her...) and had a breakfast of what I have decided is my new favorite, a crossiant with a little bit of chocolate inside of it. I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called, but the are delicious. Just like most junk food is... Earlier during the week Becky and I had decided that for our last day we wanted to go back out on the boat. But then, Eddy brought up that they actually had a tube so then of course, we wanted to do that. So we blew up the tube and went tubing for quite some time. Even though it was a small, donut one person tube, Becky and I tried several different ways of trying to both fit on the tube. After a couple of times of falling off, I decided that it would be more fun if we just went by ourselves and swam back to the boat and let Becky try. She was funny, because she hadn't gone tubing very much before. I was trying to coach her a bit, but after a few times of falling off she was tired and switched places with me. I was really excited to go by myself, because even though Eddy had decided to take us out on the lake because it would be less wavy, there was still pretty good tubing conditions. I was proud of myself because I only fell off once, when I hit a huge wave and my arms were all messed up from going outside of the wake. But seriously, it was an epic fall. I flew into the air, and stayed there for at least 3 seconds. The rest of the time, I didn't fall off but by the end  I was so tired I asked if I could just stop. Seriously, it was one of the best locations to tube ever.

All of that intense tubing made Becky and I so hungry, so we throughly enjoyed our avocado sandwiches (yay, someone who likes avocado as much as I do!) and then spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the sun and enjoying ourselves. We both agreed that once we got back, we were going to be some of the tannest people in Belgium thanks to the French sun. (And it is quite true... I feel funny saying I am from dreary Washington when I have such a great tan... But who knows, maybe people think I am of some cool ethnicity!) After a bit of relaxing we circled the entire lake, which took quite some time because it really was a huge lake. Eddy and Pascale told us that even though they had been coming to Port Maritima for more than 10 years, that was the first time that they had even really gone onto the lake and looked around. So it was neat, because it was new experience for all of us. Becky was also happy because Eddy let here drive the boat a little bit (me, I didn't really find it quite as fascinating as she did...)

It was bright... Hahaha

The Speed Boat!

Around 5, we headed back to shore and brought the boat up and out of the water for the final big clean. And boy, was this a BIG clean. Becky, Eddy, and I were probably cleaning that boat for 2 hours, at least. I can honestly say that I don't think there will ever be a cleaner boat in the world. We cleaned thatt baby inside and out, scrubbing off ever little scuff (pardon my spelling...), rinsed out the salt water from the engine, cleaned all of the boat with soap and water, pressure washed the majority of the boat, cleaned the windows, wiped down the seats and seat cushions, and I think Eddy might have even found a way to vacuum the little carpet inside! It was crazy, but understandable I guess because the boat will be just sitting there docked like the sailboat for an entire year... In the middle of the cleaning session, Pascale came back from running errands and brought us these delicious ice cream cones. They were the kind that you get in the package with the cone and the chocolate, but this oen had caramel in the ice cream as well and chocolate on the inside of the cone all the way down. It was literally the best pre-made ice cream cone I have EVER had.

Once the boat was sparkling, we took showers and got ready to go out to the highly favored restuarant, Les Pins. The special that day was a nice cut of steak, with frites and a petit salad. It was funny, because all four of us ended up getting it! I learned at that restuarant that Europeans like their meat practically raw. Pascale ordered hers to be something something blue, which is that they basically put it on the grill and only the outside gets slightly cooked, but the inside is still raw! Both Becky and I ordered ours well-done (at least, I am pretty sure we did...) and towards the middle it was still really red! But I didn't mind much, because the actual meat was such a nice cut. But the whole time I was thinking about my little sister, Maddie, who generally has to go and microwave her meat even after my dad cooks it really well. If there is any little piece of red, she cooks it more. Maddie would just die if she was ever forced to eat beef in Europe, because even their welldone meat has red on it... After dinner we headed back home and went to sleep, preparing for the next day of a lot of travelling.

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