Sunday, January 15, 2012

St. Nicholas

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Here in Belgium Christmas is a bit different than in the U.S. It's not like at home, where the lights go up on the 1st and you drive around neighborhoods just to see the crazy houses that have every inch covered in fluorescent lights and a giant blow-up Santa Claus. In fact, over the entrie Christmas season, I probably saw a total of 5 houses that even had lights on them like at home.

But one unique thing that Belgium, and I think France as well, has is St. Nicholas (pronounced Nik-o-la). It's on every December 6th. It's mostly just for the little kids... St. Nicholas comes at night, putting candies in their shoes and laying little gifts on the table. He also has a little sidekick, who is dressed in black and has black skin, that is generally the comedian. Most of the other exchange students had this, and some people got some pretty legit "little" gifts. One friend got a 70 euro ICE watch (popular colored watches here...), another got a Go Pass, which you use for the train. 50 euros, and you get 10 voyages out of it. Quite convenient, because then the tickets are only 5 euro to get all the way across the country, when sometimes they run as high as like 10-15 euro one way! Unfortunately, St. Nicholas didn't come to my house. But it's really only supposed ot be for the little kids, so that's ok.

The reason that I am writing about this on the 5th is that as I was at my Rotary meeting today, "St. Nicholas" came into the restuarant and handed out candy to everyone. All of the Rotarians were really sweet, and kept giving Eliza, Riley (she's not in my club, but just came for a visit this day), and I all of the candy on the table to eat or take with us. At this point, I had seen several different St. Nicholas around, but the costume that the Rotarians used was definitely the best one I had seen yet.

Just an idea of what they look like.. Stole this pic off the Internet!
Also at this rotary meeting we had salmon, which is definitely my favorite type of fish. Since coming here, I had not tasted one piece of salmon that I liked, or had any flavor really. I guess I was just spoiled with fresh Alaskan fish. But then, we got to the main dish, and it was some of the BEST salmon I had every tasted. Well, I don't know about ever, but definitely the best in Belgium. Finally, it was seasoned and cooked properly. That is something that I am finding really hard in Belgium food-wise, there never really seems to be enough seasoning and I always half drown my meat in sauce to give it more of a flavor. Oh, and Belgians think that mild salsa is spicy... Not that I am the biggest spicy fan in the world, but I miss things having a bit of a kick every now and then! Just a warning, Dad, when you come out and visit you might want to bring your own bottle of Tabasco to carry around with you everywhere to add flavor to the food! ;)

Woohoo, one down, a million more updates to go...

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