Sunday, January 15, 2012

Norriture Mexicaine

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

"Mexican food is like a drug, you can only go so long without absolutely CRAVING it."
Above is literally what I wrote in my journal after making Mexican food for Pascale and her friend on this day. I was supposed to make it on Sunday for both Eddy and Pascale, but then Eddy got an emergency call to go into work and Pascale decided that it would be better if we waited for Tuesday, when her friend Evalyn was coming over for dinner and to recieve directions on how to take care of the dogs for the night while we were in Strasbourg.

I was excited to be making tacos, because I Mexican food and peanut butter are probably the two things that I miss the most out of all of the food in the U.S. It literally took me about 90 minutes to cut up everything (lettuce, avocados, tomatoes, onions, cheese, etc..), cook the beans and meat, and heat up the taco shells. Let's just say I am a VERY slow cutter, and I was taking my time because I started early and didn't have anything better to do... For the appetizer, I made the traditional Lancaster nachos with tortilla chips, cheese melted on top, and salsa and sour cream on the side. Both Evalyn and Pascale were just raving about it. They had had tortilla chips and salsa before, but never baked in the oven with cheese on top. they just thought it was a brilliant idea, and commented how they could probably both just eat a plate of chips for dinner (which I then pointed out that I do it all the time for lunch in the summer...).

The main course was just as delicious. Even though I ended up cutting up way to much veggies and cooking way too much beef and chicken, it was ok because I miss having leftovers. And Pascale liked it so much, there were leftovers that actually didn't get fed to the dogs the very next day! Successful dinner, I think so. And it was soooo nice having real Mexican food, and Taco Bell refried beans! Dang... Now it is making me crave them now!!


  1. "Now it is making me crave them now."
    ^incorrect usage of epanalepsis. this is my english lesson for you, dear, because heaven knows you don't have near enough of those over on your side of the sea. ;)

    the aussies are leaving tomorrow and at one point i eavesdropped on an entire conversation pertaining to the fact that the americans could NOT believe the aussies had never tasted mexican food. this is where i shook my head because the americans CLEARLY did not realize that no, australia does NOT share a border with our friendly mexicans. your host mom being unfamiliar with nachos reminded me of this :)
    -guess who?

  2. Umm... what is epanalepsis? Crazy. Even if it hadn't said Lizzy-wa (crazy Scott Westerfield fan -___-) You are going to have to teach me how to be smart again once I come back, because my English = crap.

    People are so stupid sometimes. "Oh, you're from Washington. Do you know Obama???" Umm, no, he is the most heavily protected man in the U.S. AND I live on the other side of the country...
